How To Be Consistent

Table of Contents

Why Is It So Important To Be Consistent?


The importance of being consistent is everything. Have you ever met anyone that says they are going to do something but then doesn’t? That is the worst. You can’t trust these people going forward because you never know what is true and what isn’t from that point on. What if you were not consistent in anything you did in life? What would happen? You would go through life never fully finishing anything you set out to do. Everything in life is small strides every day to obtain your goals.

How To Be Consistent For Yourself

No matter how big the project, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. It doesn’t matter how big the project. Simply put, all that needs to happen is simply breaking down the goal. If you have a monstrous goal, break it up from the whole pie down to every single month, week, day, and hour. You will have great success if you create a calendar that keeps you accountable to yourself. For example; If you are trying to write a book that is daunting because of the length then simply break it down to how many paragraphs do I need to write in a day to reach my goal? Keep doing it over and over and over and then you will wake up one day and say to yourself “I wrote a whole book.”

Things In Life That Are Worth It, Are Usually Hard

work hard

If everything in life was easy, life would be dull. What makes life interesting is the hurdles and challenges we face. Although, sometimes the challenges truly are terrible… This is the balance of life. Doesn’t it feel amazing when you have a challenge in front of you and you dominate it after a lot of hard work? Life is interesting. Society tells us how to live or how we “should live.” If you live the same days over and over again just to live to be 65 and retire, that doesn’t seem like a very fulfilling life. Challenge yourself and be different from everyone else. It will be worth it.

About the Author

Picture of Kameron Conley

Kameron Conley

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